Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Educational Theories

My Ideal Teaching Approach

The learning theories that i think best suits the learners nowadays, is the combination of discussion method plus the experience, because the best way to teach a child is to let them experience the things that they want to learn or study.

The Experience method, like the theory of Montessori, she let the pupils experience the things that she wanted to teach them, because it will be retained longer in the child's memory rather that those who only seeks information from the books.

The Discussion method, is an oral method like question and answer method, has the maximum interaction between teacher and students/pupils. in the discussion method the pupils and the teacher has a relationship in terms of the lesson proper. It removes the boundaries or boarder between the two. It can provide the loss or elimination of the students that is afraid of the teachers. 

The Combination of the TWO

When the two theories are combined, it is the best way of teaching for me, because when you discuss the lesson to the pupils and ask them some questions and have some debate about the things that they did not understand well, you will let them experience that lesson so that it can eliminate the questions or the things that the pupils do not understand. the information that they will gather retains longer through the use of the experience method, and they will know actually the process of steps about that.

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